BREAKING: Statement on forthcoming CNN hit piece
James Lawrence, civil attorney for Doug Mackey:
The media has already widely reported that some of the hundreds of thousands of social media posts Doug Mackey made between 2015 and 2018 contained inflammatory and vulgar content. As he truthfully testified under oath, he regrets the tone and substance of these posts, and they do not reflect his current views or the person he has been for the last several years. However, he does not regret using his anonymous account to promote conservative political ideas or then-candidate Donald Trump.
In the prosecution, the government only alleged two satirical memes he found on 4chan about “voting by text” violated the law, not these offensive tweets. Despite attempting to track down every person who texted the phone number in the memes, the FBI could not find a single person who ever believed the memes were serious, let alone did not vote because of them. Mr. Mackey’s other tweets have no relevance to whether these memes are protected by the First Amendment or violate 18 U.S.C. § 241 for conspiring to violate the civil rights of voters. Americans have made literally millions of vile and repellant—but First Amendment-protected—social media posts without facing federal prosecution. The government and media only bring up these other offensive tweets to bias the public against him.
Doug is grateful that former President Trump, his son, and thousands across the political spectrum can see through these smears and distractions and recognize that his case is about protecting the First Amendment rights of all Americans. He looks forward to making his case before the Second Circuit.
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