Here are all the ways you can donate to the Doug Mackey "Ricky Vaughn" legal defense
Help fight back by funding an appeal.
Please help fund my legal appeal!
Shortcuts: Meme Defense Fund (Nonprofit) - GiveSendGo - Send Crypto - Send Cash, Check, or Money Order
Earlier this year, I was convicted in a Brooklyn federal courthouse of a conspiracy against rights for participating in a viral meme (sh*posting) on Twitter.
We are challenging this unjust prosecution on multiple grounds, including the First and Fifth Amendments and that venue in Brooklyn was improper.
My rights at trial were further violated by prosecutorial gamesmanship, including the deliberate withholding of evidence until mid-trial, the manipulation of a “cooperating witness” and the manufacturing of his testimony, and the bringing of a case with insufficient evidence in an arbitrarily chosen federal district that was politically favorable to the prosecution.
Please join the fight and stop this political weaponization and abuse of federal law dead in its tracks by donating to and praying for my appeal, and my family, in this difficult time.
Needless to say, a federal appeal is extraordinarily expensive.
There are multiple ways to donate, including via tax-deductible nonprofit, GiveSendGo, crypto, and cash, check or money order. I hope you by will consider helping myself and my family (I am newly married with a beautiful son on the way) defray these expenses and fight for the rights of all Americans.
Thank you for your consideration of this important matter, and God bless.
If you would prefer making a cash or check donation to the Meme Defense Fund please make it out to: “American Cause—Meme Defense and send it to American Cause, Re: Meme Defense Fund, 10321 Hunt Farm Ln, Oakton, VA 22124”. This option is tax-deductible.
If you would like to send cash, check, or money order, please make it out to Douglass Mackey and send it to this address:
Douglass Mackey
PO Box 6332
Delray Beach, FL 33482
If you would like to donate Crypto, please send it to one of these wallets:
Bitcoin: bc1qp53hutv9d0qngyvm3wcxeyhnp0srcysghnrhj9
Ethereum: 0xBb078c6823B0d0d35738aa55f0a7F36CA37e4434
Litecoin: ltc1qp7m4ll7ckw77jtraj9rl7xuve56q45d850k4dq
Solana: 6MNsQRwugLruJ9eGFc1VrC9wzTq1CiBJKg4bLbVd3fFS
Monero: 41kkLhRfRXVJo9ts5pdZcJ3LUUddhtTsLTMWKi8bi32Ve1Djmz7GxBF957hTyh4yPfK3XxYCQGXYTdv4ur46mjJp5NJZaUi
ZCash Private Wallet: zs1zk6cs9w5286p3vrktsfhezvzx7c752u4fj7qc4agg3s8j0gz6laernzvta2m6ylu3d26w37efyk
HOW TO DONATE ANONYMOUSLY: Send cash to the P.O. Box listed below, or send an anonymous, shielded Zcash transaction to the Zcash private wallet, or send Monero to the above Monero wallet. Or, send cash or check to the P.O. Box address. All donor info will be kept private.
Besides legal fees, other costs will include expert fees; travel and lodging expenses; legal research; electronic discovery review platforms and document review staff; court filing fees; office supplies; discovery software; postage and other assorted costs and expenses.
Please note that all donations are considered personal gifts, and that donors giving $15K or more per year could be subject to gift taxes and reporting requirements. Consult a tax advisor if you need more information.
*Please kindly note that all donations are final, no refunds will be issued.
It would be helpful if you included current figures of how much has been raised and approximately how much is needed, so that donators could have some sense of what progress is being made.